Can I make an exchange? Ex : Color, Size, Quantity..
Unfortunately we do not do exchanges. You need to return the unwanted product, get a refund and place a new order for the correct size/color/product.
Please create a return in your account, our partner Glopal will send you a pre-paid return label by email to send us back the unwanted product for free.
Can I modify my order once it is placed? Ex. Size, color, quantity
Unfortunately, we can't make any changes once you've placed an order.
If you are still within 30 minutes of placing your order, you can still cancel it and place a new one. Your card will not be charged or will be refunded automatically if you cancel within the 30 minute window. You may cancel your order in the "Orders" section in your account.
If you are not able to cancel your order, please follow our process to return your order within 14 days of the delivery date.
Can I cancel my order?
You can cancel your order within 30 minutes after you placed it directly in your account.
After this time, it is not possible to cancel it and your order will be sent.
However, you will be able to return it for free. Please go the returns section of the FAQ for the return process.